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I have empty kegs/casks that need uplifting

On your normal delivery day, where possible, the draymen will take your like-for-like empty kegs. This means if you order 7 kegs, they will uplift 7 empties.

Please make sure your barrels are ready and stacked for collection> It's also important to separate our empties from any other suppliers. This will make this easier for the draymen to spot ours and take them away.

Sometimes the crew doesn't have the space on the vehicle to take any more than like for like.

If like for like was not collected or you have additional excess you need uplifting, you can do this online via your Carlsberg Shop account by adding the relevant number of items from the Empty Keg section of the site at the time of placing your order.

You can also submit a request by going to the options top right, clicking submit a request, then choosing "Empties & Faulty Kegs", here you will find the option "Empties Uplift Request"

Remember to give us as much detail as possible so we can ensure a swift uplift!

Please note that we will need to know accurate quantities and sizes.

You can also submit a request by clicking on this link:

Submit A Request


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