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I would like you to leave my stock on premises


Brilliant! Allowing us to leave your stock on the premises is a safe, guaranteed way to get your delivery every single week.
All you need to do is download the attachment at the bottom of this article, fill it in (either printed off or on your smartphone), and send it back to us using the Submit a Request button top right of your screen, or click here and choose "Account Changes" - "Leave On Premises Form", attach your form, submit, then just leave the rest to us!
We will upload the form to your account, and inform the depot, from then on your delivery will be left on site, in the safe place specified, with a picture loaded onto your Electronic Delivery Note for everybody's piece of mind.

Did you know you can also provide us with a key if you have a cellar door in an accessible place? Just put this note on your form and we will collect the key from you next time we deliver!



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