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Brooklyn Pilsner



Brooklyn Pilsner

Brooklyn Pilsner is a crisp lager inspired by Brooklyn and brewed for all. It layers clean malts with a balanced wave of bright hops, crowned by an instantly refreshing finish. Light toasty flavours and spicy, subtle citrus hop notes make it an instant classic.



Brooklyn Pilsner is brewed in the style favoured by New York’s pre-prohibition brewers. In the 1840’s, the pilsner style emerged from central Europe to become the world’s most popular style of beer. Like its ancestors, Brooklyn Pilsner is traditionally brewed from the finest German two-row barley malts. German-grown Perle and Hallertauer hops provide a crisp, snappy bitterness and fresh, floral aroma.


The flavour of the malt comes through in the finish. The Brooklyn Pilsner is fermented at cool temperatures, and then given a long, gentle maturation (lagering), which results in a beer of superior complexity and smoothness. We believe that you will find there to be none finer. Unlike mass-marketed so-called pilsners, Brooklyn Pilsner does not contain cheap fillers such as corn or rice, nor does it contain any preservatives or stabilizers. Brooklyn Pilsner is the real thing.




Brooklyn Pilsner - Digital Assets


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